Политика конфиденциальности



Privacy policy for clients.

This privacy statement applies to the processing of personal data of customers who place an order on the Ma-emirates.com platform. SF RESTAURANT CO DMCC is responsible for the processing of your personal information. Therefore, SF RESTAURANT CO DMCC adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements when processing personal data. Privacy Policy We have summarized the key points regarding the protection of your personal data and how we process it. If you need more information about specific processes, please get in touch with us using the contacts below.


SF RESTAURANT CO DMCC is a commercial company registered in the Commercial Register of the Registrar of Companies under the Licence number DMCC-874672. It is the administrator of personal data by the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law.


What information can I find in the Privacy Policy?


This Privacy Policy will provide you with comprehensive information and actions performed with the personal data you provide to SF RESTAURANT CO DMCC.

• What personal data do we collect about you?

• What is the purpose of their collection?

• How long do we keep the provided personal data?

• Who do we share your personal data with?

• How will we notify you of changes to our Privacy Policy?

• What types of cookies do we use to improve your experience on our website?

• What are your rights about the personal data provided?


With this Privacy Policy, SF RESTAURANT CO DMCC declares that it implements all technical and organizational measures for the protection of personal data provided for by law or other regulatory acts.


What is personal data?

Any information and data that can directly or indirectly identify an individual.

For example, indirect identification is your mobile phone number and/or email address combined with a name to identify you, such as two names and a mobile phone number.

What personal data does SF RESTAURANT CO DMCC collect and why?

Ma-emirates.com processes your personal data because you use our services. We use the following personal data for the following purposes.

1. Order process

We process the personal data you provide us when you place an order. This personal data is necessary to fulfill your order, order confirmation and order evaluation, payment, and a possible refund. The legal basis for such processing of personal data is that it is necessary to perform a contract, as defined in the GDPR. During the order process, we process the following personal data:


       Address details

       Contact details


2. Restaurant reviews

In addition to the above processing operations, we process the personal data you provide when submitting a restaurant review. The legal basis for this processing of personal data is your consent to this (by posting a restaurant review) following the GDPR. You may withdraw your consent by contacting us at [email protected]. When you post a restaurant review, we process the following personal data:

       Name (if provided)


3. Customer service

When you contact our customer service department, we will use your personal information to answer your question or process your complaint. The legal basis for such processing of personal data is that it is necessary to perform a contract, as defined in the GDPR. We process the following personal data for customer service purposes:


       Address details (if applicable)

       Contact details

       Payment details (if applicable)

       Comments (if applicable)

4. Customer Satisfaction Survey

To ensure that our services are tailored to your preferences, any personal data you provide to our customer service department may be used for things such as customer satisfaction surveys. The legal basis for this processing is the need to pursue the legitimate interests of Ma-emirates.com (customer satisfaction) as defined in the GDPR. This applies to the same personal data referred to in paragraph 2.

Information you provide voluntarily:

– Registration information when creating a profile on the SF RESTAURANT CO DMCC page so that we can:

1. Create your account so that you can place orders following our Terms;

2. Identify you when you log into your account;

3. Contact you to perform the services we offer;

4. Notify you of changes or updates to our Terms and Privacy Policy.

Information we receive from other third-party sources.


We also use your personal data to fulfill our reporting obligations to advertisers and improve our website and our range of products and services. The legal basis for such processing is the need to pursue the legitimate interests of Ma-emirates.com (analysis and reporting), as defined in the GDPR. We will always ensure that the reports do not contain any data that can be traced back to you.


What does the processing of personal data mean?

The processing of personal data includes the collection, storage, destruction, transfer, correction, updating, deletion, destruction, and all other actions performed with your personal data.

We will also use your personal data if it is in our legitimate business interests to do so, but only if your interests do not override those interests in protecting your personal data or your other rights and freedoms.

In some cases, we may have a legal obligation - a legal basis for collecting personal data from you (for example, in the event of legal proceedings), or we may need to process it or transfer it to others to “protect your vital interests”, saving someone than life.) or another person (for example, in the case when the life of another person is in danger).

In addition, if we collect and use your personal data in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of a third party), we will tell you at the appropriate time what those legitimate interests are.


If you have any questions or would like more information about the legal basis on which we collect and use your personal data, please contact us using the contact information provided in the “How to contact us?” section above.

For example, for marketing purposes, to receive our latest promotions and new delivery services, as well as any other promotional newsletters.


Consent to processing your personal data is given when registering on our website or filling out various forms posted on our website (for inquiries and for subscribing to advertising/newsletters).

The consent you have given may be withdrawn at any time by sending an email to [email protected].


Email newsletter for information about your marketing preferences.

We also process your personal data to send you marketing communications and notifications. When you subscribe to our email newsletter, you will be asked to enter your email address as a newsletter subscriber; we keep a record of your email. Such communications include the latest news, discounts, and updates on new restaurants and loyalty programs, regardless of the format we use to exchange such communications. Any personal information you provide to us, including your email address, will not be shared or sold to third parties. The legal basis for this processing of personal data, as defined in the GDPR, is your consent to this when placing an order. If you would like to change your preferences for receiving such communications and notifications, you may unsubscribe using the link in the relevant communications. Under no circumstances will we ask for credit card information for promotional purposes or in email newsletters. You also have the right to unsubscribe from marketing communications we send you by using the unsubscribe feature in any marketing communications you receive from us or by emailing [email protected].


Use of cookies

Finally, we also process personal data that you send us indirectly. Ma-emirates.com uses cookies for functional, analytical, and marketing purposes. Functional cookies are necessary to use the website. Cookies collect the following personal data:

            Location details

IP address or application IDs

             Internet browser and device type

              Website Language


Your rights in relation to the personal data provided.

If you are a registered user of Ma-emirates.com, you can access your profile at any time to view and update your personal information, i.e., your personal data. You can also contact us to request an update or deletion of your personal data or to restrict the processing of your personal data.


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